Monday, December 1, 2008

An American Thanksgiving in Changsha

Sweet potato croquettes

Cranberry sauce in a can, from the States!

Roasted tomato soup

Roasted carrots and potatoes

Hunan dish of the night


Mashed potatoes


Pumpkin risotto

Turkey substitute - spicy Hunan chicken

Green beans

Desserts - Sweet potato and apple deliciousness

Pumpkin something

(Not shown because I was eating instead of taking pictures: delicious persimmon pudding, banana bread pudding)

I lied. We do in fact, have a picture of BANANA BREAD PUDDING

and of course, some good old wine


jglc said...

wow, that is so impressive

NK said...

Man, that banana bread pudding was quite delectable. Too bad you didn't get a picture of it.